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Paint Net For Mac

카테고리 없음

by pethuawhivi1978 2020. 3. 25. 02:51


About Website Available for windows mac linux unix java Tags Paint.NET is a bitmap drawing and editing application. One of the main goals of the project is to provide a simple and easy to use application with an intuitive user interface. However, it packs features like any commercial program such as: layers, bezier/spline curve drawing and unlimited undo history. On top of that is has many filters that handles everything from blurring/sharpening to color control. Paint.NET requires Microsoft or later. Please note that Paint.NET used to be open source, but is now only freeware.

Available for: windows mac linux unix java Probably the oldest and most well-known open source graphic application - GNU Image Manipulation Program or Gimp was started in 1995 and has since then grown to the status it has today. Available for: windows mac linux unix java Krita is open source bitmap editing and drawing with the following advanced features: 16-bit image support, High dynamic resolution images, CMYK and even color management. As part of the KOffice. Available for: windows mac linux unix java Started as a fork of the Gimp project, the goal is to create a more professional graphical editing application aimed at the movie industry. One of the major differences from Gimp is that CinePaint.


Paint.net For Macos

Available for: windows mac linux unix java If you feel at home in Photoshop, but need an open source alternative - Gimpshop is the way to go. Gimpshop is a hack made on top of the original Gimp project which changes all menues, dialogs, etc. Available for: windows mac linux unix java Seashore, an open source image editing program for the MacOS's Cocoa framework, stands somewhere between the old MacPaint and Photoshop. Its advantage lies in serving the basic image editing needs.

Paint. Net For Mac

Available for: windows mac linux unix java Pinta is a cross platform drawing and editing program. It uses some of the code from Paint, so it has the advantage of being familiar to users who have played around with Paint. It is a drawing. Windows XP, Windows Vista and/or Windows 7. Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Suse, Redhat, Gentoo, Mandriva, CentOS Copyright © 2006-2018 osalt.com - Published by.